Ojas Psychotherapy Services



INDIVIDUAL Psychotherapy

Whether you are new to therapy or returning for further exploration, you are here from the desire to grow and heal. I treat every session with gentleness to allow all feelings to safely emerge. When venturing into therapy, one might not be aware of one’s own resilience. I strive to help my clients connect with their inner strength so they can empower themselves as the agent of psychic growth and change. My style incorporates various philosophies and clinical models as I believe every client is unique and there is no perfect method. I tailor my interventions to the comfort of my clients and our sessions evolve over time as their needs change.


marital & sex therapy

I provide sex therapy and couples counseling for all types of partnerships; 50yrs married or newly dating, traditional monogamous or practicing non traditional partnership rules, and every where in between. I welcome individuals with any and all gender and sexual identities and orientation and work with persons to help them achieve radical self acceptance and be empowered in their own skin. I help my clients in treating various issues of sexual compulsivity, trauma, and sexual functioning. I also work with children and adolescents in helping develop healthy self image and educating families to help create a sex-positive and inclusive culture.


LGBTQ Support group

Ojas psychotherapy is proud to announce a safe space for LGBTQ+ adults to offer and receive support and share resources in an informal support group setting.

TBD: The support group will resume when In-person meetings in an indoor setting are deemed safe with respect to Covid -19.

$30 cash only

Please click the link below to complete the sign up form. The group leader will contact you once your submission is received.